Friday, May 17, 2013

April Adventures

April 1st
Lanie got a Mickey Mouse Painting book for Easter and wanted to continue the festivities by painting eggs with the water color. These vibrant dyed eggs are ones we left in dye over night which turned out very pretty. But we had to chuck them because they got soggy in the vinegar water. Ha!

Happy 1st Birthday Maverick!!!
April 2, 2013
We did a Sport Theme for Mav's first birthday (which I decided like the day before). 
I made the cake and cupcakes (Pinterest success!) What a blast!!!
We took the kids to Solomon Pond Mall to play. They love the kids' area and carousel ride there. Shawn feels like on our kids' birthdays he should celebrate ME for giving birth to them. We did that by treating ourselves to lunch at the Olive Garden (You know, the typical 1-year-old birthday restaurant! haha!) 

 Cake Time!!!
Mav had such a blast eating his cake. He loved it! And, he knew he was putting on a show. After we rinsed all of that orange frosting and goo off of him in the sink, he got on the floor and crawled back to his high chair for more. We laughed as he picked up and ate cake crumbs off of the floor. What a boy!
We kept his party really simple by having the Hutchins (Emma is our baby sitter), the Pitcavages, the Penrods, and Gayle come. We also invited Auntie Pam, the Johnsons, the Woods, and Mav's pseudo-grandma, Angela Atkin to come, but they couldn't make it. We had cupcakes, ice cream, and present opening. All of which took about an hour (which was so simple, perfect, and fun). Mav was spoiled by all of our family and friends here and in Utah! By the end of this perfect day, he went to bed VERY tired. We are so glad we have this cute boy in our lives!

April 4th and 5th
At the beginning of the year, we made a list of things we wanted to do while we were our here on the East Coast. Lobster in Maine was one of them. Since Shawn had a week off in between quitting his job with Vivint Solar and starting his new job with Solar City, we decided to take advantage of it. Roadtrip! We took a 24-hour getaway to Maine which was about a 3 hour drive. We drove through a small town called Ogunquit and stopped at Mike's Clam Shack for a Lobster Roll. Shawn did not care for it, and I don't dig seafood, so overall this was disappointing. But, now he can say he has tried Maine Lobster. We drove up to Portland, Maine (one of their largest cities) and got our hotel. We took the kids swimming which was fun. They are timid little swimmers (granted neither knows how to swim yet). Lanie was in heaven getting her own queen size bed. 
The next day in Maine, I requested to go on a hunt for lighthouses (I didn't care for the seafood part of the trip). Shawn patiently and impatiently drove all over trying to find the perfect lighthouses for me. It was beautiful. Now Maine isn't the busiest place on earth, but man is it beautiful and quaint. We found 6 lighthouses: Portland Head Light, the Two Lighthouses, Spring Point Ledge Lighthouse, the Breakwater Light (or Bug Light), and the Lighthouse on Marginal Way. We stopped at Breakfast Amor on our way out in Ogunquit. It was a darling diner just off of Marginal Way. After lunch, we went and hiked Marginal Way. This was such a relaxing and fun getaway for our little family.

General Conference Weekend
April 6th and 7th
I loved conference weekend like I always do. Every talk was great, but Shawn and I seemed to really take something from Sister Wixom's talk, The Words We Speak. She posed the question, "What words would you write your children if you could only say 25 words or less?" So, we both decided to write our 25 words. This is what I came up with:

"Live fearlessly. 
Learn from your mistakes. 
Do and be your best. 
Find joy every day. 
Achieve your goals. 
Turn to and love God and others."

I encourage you to do the same....write your children 25 words or less!!!

Playin' at the Park

It feels so good to finally be able to get outside and play. We are loving this park weather!!!

Boston Marathon Start Line 
April 14th
The Boston Marathon starts in a small town called Hopkinton. This town is 10 minutes from where we live. On Sunday, April 14th, we dropped Shawn off at the airport to fly to San Francisco for a week's worth of training. After dropping him off, I decided to scope out the marathon start line and see where the kids and I should go the following day.

Marathon Monday
April 15th
I need not say much about this day because as we all know, it was horrific. But I would like to share my experience of the day. 
I got my kids up and out of the door around 7:15 am. We drove over to Hopkinton and parked at the EMC office building where school buses were shuttling athletes and spectators to the Marathon Start Line. There was so much excitment and enthusiasm in the air. One girl was celebrating her 20th birthday by running the marathon. I had nerves and butterflies for those athletes like you wouldn't believe. We took the 2 mile shuttle ride over around 8:00 am, got off with the double stoller, and started walking through the crowd (thousands and thousands of people). I had the thought that it was much to easy to be a part of this event. At 9 am the marathon started with mobility impaired athletes. What an inspiring sight with wheelchairs, prosthetics, and runners pushing other impaired participants. It was inspiring. Then the elite men started, then the elite women. It was just amazing to see them all. At 10 am floods of general runners started. The first wave of 9,000 runners went. Twenty minutes later, the second wave, then twenty minutes later the third wave. Each wave of 9,000 was organized in corals of 1,000 runners. Overall there were appoximately 27,000 runners. It was so perfectly organized. We loved it! We had perfect spectator spots, across from the bleachers, standing by rails. I mean, it was ideal! 
After the second wave started, Maverick was done. He was hungry, tired, and did not like the gun shots that started each wave. I decided to retreat. I had seen what I wanted to. We headed home and I got the kids settled. I badly wanted to go to the finish line in downtown Boston, and I would have if Shawn would have been around to help manage the kids. Shawn called a few minutes after I got the kids settled to hear all about it. We hung up and I watched the elite athletes on TV as they came across the finish line. I badly wished we could've been there. I even told Shawn how much I wanted to drive into Boston for it but I was nervous to do it alone with the kids. So, I turned the TV off, put the kids to bed for naps, and I started to update this Blog. I was downstairs and my cell phone was upstairs charging. I was not on Facebook and did not have the TV on. I was just enjoying the peace and quiet that naptime brings. Then I turned on the TV, saw the Breaking News, and immediately ran to call Shawn. When I looked at my phone, it was flooded with calls and texts. Then I got on FB. My messages were also flooded. People knew I had been at the Start Line and no one had heard from me since. My poor husband had called me 10 times in one hour with no answer. I felt horrible. He was across the country, hoping that his persistent wife would not have tried to make it to the finish line. Luckily I hadn't. I spent the afternoon clarifying to everyone that we were safe and home. I spent the rest of the week obsessed with the story of the bombing and the bombers. Friday was a nightmare as the second suspect was on the run. I have never felt so scared and alone in my life. So far from family and so far from Shawn. It really was like a movie. And you know, I was not personally affected by this event, so I can't even imagine how the families of the victims have felt. I held my kids tighter that day and I will forever!!! Someone mentioned to me that it was a blessing Shawn was gone that day/week. I remember thinking, "Blessing???? How was it a blessing??? I was alone and a mess!!!" They said that had he been here to help with the kids, we would have been at that finish line and who knows what would have happened then? So, I think of our situation that day and how Heavenly Father protected us: he took Shawn away and he gave me a screaming child, all to prevent us from being there at that time of the bombing. I will take it! I will recognize the mysterious ways of the Lord and accept that His watchful hand protected my family that day! Next....

Gym Daycare
We spent most of the marathon week at the gym daycare. Many of you may not know, but that is where I work. The gym is across the street from our house, so we just walk over. I get a free gym membership, free daycare when I workout, and I get paid. I am a sub which means I work when I can or if I want to. It is the perfect gig. Since the week Shawn was out of town was Spring Break, they needed double coverage in the daycare for all of the added kids that would be there and not at school. Lanie and Maverick really like it there too.

 Park Play
We spent a lot of time outside playing at the park or on the deck while daddy was gone. 
But we were sure glad when he got home.

 Boston Strong
Marathon Memorial
Shawn flew home on Saturday, April 20th and on Sunday the 21st, after church, we spent the afternoon at the marathon memorial. It was chilling! Boylston Street on Copley Square was still closed. The forensic staff was still there in their white attire investigating. There were therapy dogs to comfort people and countless officers guarding Boylston. The memorial was on the corner of Boylston and Berkeley streets. You know, I really love the city of Boston! It felt good to personally be able thank the officers there for the sacrifices they make as they protect us. What an emotional week this was!!

Auntie Pam's Graduation
April 28th
We were so lucky to be able to attend Auntie Pam's college graduation. She is the first and only one in her family to become a college graduate. And at the age of 50!! We drove up to Brattleboro and Springfield, Vermont for the festivities. It was a blast to celebrate with her! My mom badly wanted to be here for it, but with Alana having just had her baby, it did not work out. 

Well, that pretty much sums up April. It was an adventure-filled month that's for sure. Honestly, posting this reminds me how crazy it all was. Just 2 days after Pam's graduation, we flew out to Utah to visit family (especially the new little nieces) and friends. Life just gets busier and busier!

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