Saturday, February 15, 2014

My Broken Heart

Dear Friends and Family,

Today I have a full, but broken heart. I feel that I must share some thoughts in hopes that someone, somewhere will hear me. I also believe that writing is a great form of therapy. So hear it goes:

Ten days ago, I received the news that my beautiful, 25 year-old cousin passed away unexpectedly. It has been such a whirlwind of a week with family flying in and out, organizing funeral services, offering financial and emotional support, and meeting LOTS and LOTS of people. Not to mention the travel, managing our 2 kids, and loads of snow that continues to dump on us. As I sit back now, after all the dust has settled, thinking, I can't help but mourn her loss. I mourn for those who are left behind. I mourn because of the hardships this amazing girl endured. And I mourn for those without a belief in eternity and immortality. I am so grateful and rejoice in the knowledge I have that she is in welcoming arms in heaven with those she loved and missed ("Bup" and Papa Pete). I am in shock at the chain of events in the past 2 years since I have been able to be closer to her. I never would've imagined being in this place.

Angela Brynn Schiavoni 
at Walden Pond
October 2013

 Eleven months ago today, I received the news that my sweet cousin Skyler passed away at age 28. I won't ever forget that phone call. So not what I was expecting. I remember the world stood still as I sat helpless and unknowing what to do. I wanted to offer my support, love and condolences but didn't know how. The least I felt I could do was pray, which was also the most I could do. Pray for him, pray for his family and friends, and pray for his strong, enduring wife and kids. Sending money and cards just didn't seem like enough. So I prayed (and continue to pray).

Skyler Evan Parker

You may ask, 'why is she writing this?' And here is the answer to that. Because in less than a year, I have lost 2 cousins, 2 cousins that were younger than me! Cousins that I grew up with, shared memories with, and have loved. And in honor of them, I find it important to speak out.
Although these two are from different sides of the family (Angela is from my mom's side and Skyler is from my dad's side), they share a common denominator: Bipolar Disorder.

I don't find this correlation fluke or coincidence, I find it alarming. I speak out for those who know someone or who themselves suffer from this disease. IT IS REAL!!! It must be diagnosed and treated properly. These two cousins of mine did not deserve the hardships they endured. Their disease combined with life's trials lead them down destructive paths. It is heart breaking. 

As one personally attached to these untimely, unexpected and tragic deaths, I am speaking out! Take care of yourself! Take care of your family! Seek help if needed! And cherish those you love! Make wise decisions and wise friends! 

Remember our actions echo through eternity.

Share this if you feel so inclined. 
One voice can become many and hopefully many voices can be heard.

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