Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Our little family had such a memorable Thanksgiving this year. I will post pictures of it later. But I just wanted to share our day with you and share some thoughts while they are on my mind. We started our day with a one-hour drive to Plymouth for the Pilgrim Procession at 10am. The Procession was great as they walked passed Plymouth Rock and to the cemetery where there was a small service of singing and scripture. After the Procession, we saw the Mayflower and then stopped and the Blue Blind Cafe for breakfast. At noon there was a Native American Protest ceremony where they sang and danced around a fire burning incense by the Massasoit statue. It was fascinating and offered new perspective to Thanksgiving. Sure made me realize it wasn't some happy friendly first Thanksgiving together. I will be doing some research now to learn more about where Thanksgiving really came from because the Native Americans do not act like they are happy the English took over their land. Anyway, we left Plymouth around 12:30 and rushed home (in heavy traffic) to get to dinner at 2:00. The traffic was outrageous and almost ruined my day, and let's face it, was not bringing out my delightful side. But we made it to dinner at the Johnson's (a darling family of 8 kids in our ward). Our family and the Che family (a cute little family from Taiwan with 2 little girls) joined the Johnson's for dinner. We absolutely enjoyed every minute we spent there. After dinner we played a game of charades. Oh my goodness, we laughed so hard.  The Johnson girls LOVED taking turns holding Maverick and Lanie loved having friends to play with. The Johnson's 7 year-old son said, "We want you guys to stay for 2 weeks....The Johnson family LOVES babies!!!" Oh they are the most darling, easy-to-be-around family. We spent about 4 hours there and enjoyed everything about it. Couldn't have had a happier, more memorable Thanksgiving. The only thing missing was watching the Rockettes in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and being with our families. But overall we made the best of it!

Oh and while we were in Plymouth, we had a missionary experience. Shawn and I overheard a group of people walking in front of us say "Mormon." We looked at each other and Shawn said, "should we catch up to them and see what they are talking about?" I said, "Of course" and started running up to them. I interrupted them and said, "Hey, excuse me but I overheard you talking about Mormons, and I'm a Mormon,   mind if I ask what you were saying." One of the guys was really open and warm with us. He said, "Sure, first,  do you believe in Jesus Christ?" My response, "Yeah, Mormon is just a nickname, but we are the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We believe in Christ." The conversation continued a little bit longer, we encouraged them to read the Book of Mormon for some more clarity to their questions, and we went our separate ways. Man, it felt so good to get that rush from sharing just a piece of the truth of this true church. It felt so so good to be able to offer some clarity and insight with this group. And it felt especially good to just have a missionary moment, which sadly, I have not had in a LONG time. I am reminded of the Conference talk by Sister Dibb, "I'm a Mormon. I know it. I live it. I love it." And I'd like to add, "I share it." I am so thankful for this time of year when we can spend quality time with family and friends, make memories, and be reminded of the greatest gift of all in our lives, the Gospel of Jesus Christ and love and life of our Brother and Savior. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for giving us a purpose and a plan!

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