Friday, November 29, 2013

No Bummer Summer Part 2....Wait It's Fall, You Mean, Almost Winter!!!

Could it be??? You mean I am really catching up on our blog??? No really???? Oh I am so HAPPY!!!

So, it is not my style to back track 5 months and try to catch up, but since I print our blog and it is a way for you to be involved in our lives out here, I found it important to catch up. I haven't updated it since the end of June and you'll see why (We've been kinda....just KINDA....busy!). Here is July and August and hopefully in the next few days (before the holidays) I will get September, October, and November in here. 
I will.....I WILL...I HAVE TO!!! 

In any case, I hope you enjoy this entry on our summer adventures.
Summer sure flew!!!! And calling it a "No Bummer Summer" is precisely what it was. Whew!!!

June 27th, my brother Preston and his family came to visit. They took a 3 week cross country drive and saw many sites along the way. We were one of their stopping points.
Day 1
The kids and I met up with them on Thursday, June 27th in Springfield, MA about an hour away. 
First stop: the Dr. Seuss courtyard. 
Dr. Seuss was from Springfield.
The kids played at the library and 
we went to the Natural History Museum.
I think the kids' favorite part was the butterfly exhibit, 
shoot I liked it a lot too!!!
While we were at the museums, Preston and Dalan went to the 
Basketball Hall of Fame (also in Springfield).

Day 2: Boston
On Friday, June 28th, we spent time in the North End of Boston. 
My favorite!!! 
Above is Paul Revere Park (where Preston is covered in cute), 
Paul Revere's House, and Bunker Hill Bridge.
Bunker Hill or as Lanie calls it, "Rapunzel's Tower". Lanie, big girl, climbed all 294 stairs to the top! Our Boston day was cut short a bit by picking my dad up at the airport. Oh man, were the police officers scary and mean at the terminal pick-up. I rarely am THAT flustered!

Day 3 (Day 1 for my dad)
Sautrday, June 29th, we took the kids to Wingaersheek Beach. Boston was a long day for the kids (lots of walking), so we thought they should have some 'kid' time at the beach. They loved finding hermit crabs and sand dollars. Lanie and Landon had a blast running and splashing together. RaKell LOVED the water. And the tide came up quite quickly and we lost the sand bar pretty quickly. We really enjoyed this play time. Awesome beach (our first time there)!!!
After the beach we made a quick stop in Lexington at Old North Bridge. My dad wanted to go there. We had never heard of it or been there. It was where the "Shot Heard Around the World" from the Revolutionary war comes from. This has become one of our favorite spots to site see. 
We ended the day having a BBQ with Gayle. We were all pretty wiped out! 
Hotel Hooper right here!!! We hosted Preston's family, my dad, and Aunt Bev flew in that night. So fun!

Sunday, June 30th, my dad and Preston went to visit Fitchburg, an area in my dad's mission. Poor dad didn't recognize anything after 40 years of being away. Preston's family left after that for New York and Philly. Bev and Dad came to church with us. Dad helped in the Nursery teach a lesson on the Priesthood. After church, we went to the Boston Temple. Pretty pretty temple grounds!!! Mav ended up in girl clothes cause that's all we had in the car and he had diaper overload that day. Poor cross-dressed lil man!
Monday, July 1st, was Dad's Boston Day. We did the Trolley Tour with Dad and Bev. We absolutely love the Trolley Tours.
Boston Tea Party Museum. Another favorite of ours!
Our lil city boy!!!
Funny story, so Shawn and I left for the city at the same time. But Shawn headed to Boston, and I showed Dad and Bev around our town "real quick". As we were showing them Chauncy Lake, the center square, and our little area, Bev remembered that she forgot her trolley ticket, so we headed back to our house and picked it up. Shawn calls from downtown Boston to see how close we are, and we hadn't even left Westborough yet because of our delays. SO he and Mav spent 40 minutes or so hanging out waiting for us to drive in. Poor Shawn, always waiting for me lagging behind!

North End
Paul Revere Mall and the Old North Church

Boston Highlights from our day's adventures:
Boston Tea Party
Paul Revere's House
Old North Church
Paul Revere Mall
Boston Common
Quincy Market (for some Clam Chowdah and Lobstah rolls)
Took Dad and Aunt Beverly around our town and showed them all of the quaint little farms to feed my dad's farmer ego. 

Is this not the cutest thing??? Dad's riding in the back seat with the kids. Lanie serenaded his entire ride with "I Am a Child of God" and "A Whole New World". I think he enjoyed his grandkid time.
Tuesday, July 2nd, we took the 8 hour road trip to Washington D.C. for the 4th of July celebrations.

We met up with Preston's family in D.C. The kids liked the Motel 6 stay so much that they probably could've just stayed there the entire 3 days watching movies and been thrilled.

Wednesday, July 3rd, we rode the subway into downtown D.C. It was extremely hot and humid. The city was surprisingly not that busy but it was all set up for the big 4th festivities. 

Capitol Tour

Ford Theater where Lincoln was shot. Pretty solemn place.

White House
If you look closely you can see snipers on the roof protecting the White House. Look even more closely and you'll see the Obamas on their balcony. This escalated quickly. The snipers came out, the Obamas came out, and security evacuated the premise all within minutes. It was pretty awesome to witness. Glad we got these pictures BEFORE all of the commotion.

After a fantastically enjoyable day, we took the subway back to the motel and prepared for the HUGE 4th of July celebration.

All dressed in our festive red, white, and blue....oh is in YELLOW!!!!!
PARADE and National Archive Tour

Making friends and hanging out in the blistering humid heat in our spot waiting for the FIREWORKS!!!

Met up with Uncle Steve, Aunt Shanna, LaDawna, and Adam & Christy for the fireworks. What a fun time together. What a great group to spend it with. We kept saying this was a once in a lifetime experience because.....we will NEVER do it AGAIN! Too many people and way too hot! But it sure was a great experience, and we were so happy to be in great company.

Such a fun getaway sure wiped out our two little kidsies. 
Friday, July 5th, I dropped my dad off with everyone in Gettysburg, PA and they went to the 150th anniversary of the battle. I headed back home, traveling alone with my little ones, doing the 8 hour drive alone. Knowing that the Battle of Gettysburg re-enactment was not something my kids would do well through in the heat, I opted out and headed home during daytime hours. Lanie kept me company the entire drive back, not sleeping a wink, but talked and sang the whole time. So happy for my princess buddy!

How did Shawn spend his 4th???
Kayaking the Charles River in Boston and watching the fireworks front and center. How did he tell me he was going to spend the 4th? Working and staying home. Now I know why he really 'couldn't' come with us to DC. My adventurous husband! Have him tell you the story sometime...

 Life After Visitors
Sunday Stud popped a squat on daddy's head!!!!
Monster's University
What a blast we had! Mav was a bit restless and wild but Lanie was glued to the screen. First movie we've taken her to since The Lorax. She LOVED it. Classy snacks, right?

Activity Days Summer Swim Party
I love my calling and I love love love this group of girls.  
Future babysitters!!!

"Tallest Tower in the WORLD!!!!"

OMG July was HOT!!! Water and splash days were a MUST. Water Balloons and the Assabet Splashpad. This is real summer fun!!!

So look at Lanie on the bridge of the playground. She was pretending like she was a troll and not letting the other kids pass. She would growl and grumble at them. One little boy thought it was SO funny and they had a blast playing trolls. Lanie would chase him if he tried trespassing. Seriously entertaining stuff right here!!

This little man has my heart. He is so happy, so explorative, and so much fun. I wish I could bottle up this age and come back to it in the future. I can't stand his cuteness!!!

Manchester, NH
 This theater has significance because it is where my mom had dance recitals and was in pageants growing up. Not to mention the cute Disney productions for us to currently enjoy. This is Rapaunzel at the Palace Theater with Gayle. Lanie was star struck. It was adorable.  After the play, we went to my mom's childhood house. I made the mistake of telling Lanie we were going to Nana JoJo's house. When we got there, she said, "Let's go inside and see Nana." I tried explaining to her that Nana doesn't live there NOW, but she did not understand, and as we pulled away, she cried because she wanted to see her Nana JoJo. Sad and cute moment. One of those times I felt torn, loving what we're doing here, but wishing Lanie could be with her Nana. So we called Nana to try and bridge the gap. So.Not.The.Same.

I am sorry, but this kid hardly cries so when he does, I have to document it. This is what 5 minutes before bedtime looks like. He is so tender-hearted and does NOT like to be teased. But it is so much fun to tease him (Mean Parents)!

Chuck-E-Cheese's where a kid can be a kid! 

Ashworth-McAfee Park
AKA "Lady Bug Park" at our house. Lanie requests this park over any. It's not even that good, she just likes the ladybug. She found this twig and said, "I found Captain Hook's hook!" She was so proud but quite concerned for Captain Hook.

Uhlman's Ice Cream is a darling mom and pop shop near our house. 
Has real cows for the kids to see and a darling play area. Not to mention, 
Cookie Monster Ice Cream!!

This girl is an angel. She really is my buddy. She is so easy going and loves outings. This is her first "bike ride," first library book (grandma would be so proud), first almost skinny dip, and first troll. She is just a wonderful daughter to have. We sure are lucky!!!

Two of Lanie's favorite things:
Reading Books and Disney Shows
Why not have them both at the same time!!! Life is good!

Shawn's 30th Birthday!!!
This was the absolute highlight of MY summer. I spent months ordering 30 books and collecting 30 letters from 30 of Shawn's favorite/closest people. I surprised him on July 25th, his half birthday (June 25th really but I won't explain). Since Shawn's birthday is on Christmas, it is hard to make it special, at least any more special than you can make the best holiday season of the year. I wanted to do something different for his 30th birthday. So I bought a helium machine and balloons, wrapped up the books, and printed the letters that I had received from family and friends. I put a book, letter, and balloon together and decorated the house with them. When Shawn got home from work, I had the house decorated and a birthday dinner and a doughnut cake ready for him. The kids had a blast with this and Shawn smiled so big all night long. It worked out JUST like I wanted it to. 

Oh how we love Boston! Lanie often requests to go to Boston. We had a gift card to P.F. Changs so we took that as an excuse to go spend an evening in the city. Love it!
Our fortunes: 
"New and rewarding opportunities will soon develop for you."
"You will move to a wonderful new home within the year."
Seems like both of those are coming true!

Pretty girl all dolled up for church and sick boy Mav staying home in PJs.

Potty Training reward box! 
This was a hit. Went to the dollar store and had Lanie choose her prizes. Can't tell you all we did to get this girl going in the toilet, and after a year and a half of working towards our goal, I can declare that she is THERE!!! She is potty trained!!!  Victory!!!

Ecotarium Fun!
Lanie loves the "Animal Center." We go almost every Wednesday for story time with a live animal and craft. The kids love this museum and the train ride. It's the best when daddy can join us!

Tougas Farm
Pick Your Own (PYO) Blueberries
Lanie really liked the wagon ride to the orchards to pick the blueberries. I didn't have my camera with us, but she was so good at getting the berries off of the tree. She liked this more than strawberry and apple picking. She was such a good helper. And all of us loved EATING these yummy fresh blueberries.

Train Ride into Boston
For the past year I have wanted to figure out the commuter rail into the city. 
I finally did it and it was so easy and so fun. 

Free Day at the Boston Children's Museum
We rode the "T" into the city and visited the BCM for the first time. Daddy was working in Boston at the time, so when he had a break, he came and joined us for a bit. Lanie climbed the "pirate ship," loved the green screen to be on Arthur (she couldn't get enough of the Arthur exhibit), she colored a circle to help decorate the museum birthday cake, and was chosen to perform on the stage as a frog. Saying we had fun is an understatement. And we only got a third of the way through the museum before the kids were wiped out. Guess we'll have to go back!

This is what the kids looked like by 4pm after the BCM. Slept the whole train ride back home. 
Fantastic Outing!

Oh my! These pictures make me laugh. Shawn had work on Saturday in New Bedford which is a few minutes from Newport, RI. We decided to join him and after go to the Newport Mansions. Well, while daddy was at his appointment, we were to explore New Bedford. Ghetto! This is the park we found. Scary right??? Luckily there was a McDonald's we could go to to kill some time. Got some breakfast with the kids and got some smurfs that they have loved. Man, was I ever relieved when Shawn called saying his appointment was done. Phew!

Newport Mansions 
Simply Exquisite! Words cannot describe them. Basically a must do/must see spot in New England!

Newport Cliff Walk
Gorgeous, and Lanie chose to pee her pants along the way. Naked girl! 
And I'm happy to say, I kept my cool!

Easton Beach in Newport
Kids loved it!
Mav started standing for the first time here. 
We spent lunch at the cafe on the beach and witnessed a beach wedding ceremony. 
I was intrigued and a hopeless romantic. 

Lanie's friend, Sydney's birthday party. Over 30 kids attended. Super good time!!!

Hedge Hog at the Ecotarium

Hermit Crab reading time and craft at the Northborough Library. 
We love the library and go OFTEN!!!

Solomon Pond Mall playtime. We can't leave the mall without getting a pretzel and going to the Disney Store. AND Mav is learning to walk....FINALLY!!

We love library books!!!!

Ope...more library fun!

So, having the 1-4pm church time seems to not interrupt Lanie's routine. Such a hard time for toddlers. Lanie sleeps through church almost EVERY Sunday, Mav does NOT. We just lay her on the floor in nursery. One week the was the object of the other kids' bowling. And no, she did not wake up. Deep deep sleeper!!!

Sunday Daddy Time

The kids learned about bugs and met a cockroach. It wasn't as gross as it sounds.
They learned a cute song, "Head, Thorax, Abdomen....Antenna, Big Eyes, and Six Legs" to the tune of Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. They also had an exhibit on Marsupials...hence the Koala picture. It was a Marsupial Maze that Lanie got lost in. 

Yoga at the Library
Lanie learned Down Dog, Balancing, and Baby Cobra. Mav did his own thing. Lanie LOVES going to the gym with me and "practicing her exercise." She was so excited about doing her OWN yoga class.

Pool Party
We had lots of these this hot, hot summer. Cheap and easy entertainment.

"Lady Bug Girl at the Beach"

Mommy/Daughter date at the mall. This chica may challenge my every mommy skill, and make me stretch in ways I never imagined, but she is my favorite little girl in the whole wide world and I would do anything to make her happy. We have fun together, my baby girl and me!!!

Palace Theater
We enjoyed Rapunzel so much that we decided to go back. Daddy came and we went to Beauty and the Beast. Lanie dressed up in her Belle Princess dress and we had a great family day at the theater with Gayle. The whole time, Lanie asked to see "Papa". I kept pointing out Papa to her (Belle's dad) and she seemed confused. I learned later that "Papa" to her was the Beast. She got excited every time the beast came out. She kinda likes the scary characters in movies more than she should. haha!

Playing outside
Practicing Pedaling and Walking

We love our Family Funday Sundays in the summer when we can go to the park and sit on a bench and make crazy faces. Before this, we played catch and frisbe and just enjoyed the nice summer air.

Hudson Library Playtime

Meet Maverick: Bottomless Pit, Mess Maker, and Mr. Curious. 
So much happiness and fun in such a small little body. Couldn't love him more!!!

Lanie met spotted turtles and frogs. Best of all....making giant bubbles outside.

If that wasn't enough for you then stay tuned. There is more, much more to come!!! 
Happy Black Friday!!!

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