Saturday, May 25, 2013

Perfect Moments

Haha! Thanks honey! You are welcome! And thank you for not getting mad at me for taking time to do it! :) Anyway, I wanted to get on and post about Perfect Moments. I am currently reading a book called, "Mothering with Spiritual Power." It has great insight on how to, well, mother with spiritual power. Ha! I am currently reading a chapter on forgiveness. Forgiving others, but more forgiving ourselves as mothers. Let's face it, if you are a mom, you know what this means. You have had those moments of being short with your kids, moments where you acted in a way that you regretted instantly, moments where you wish you would have been a better mom. I have those all of the time and sometimes I beat myself up over them until I go crazy. This chapter points out, that although we have those moments, we need to forgive ourselves. That we are learning how to become the mom that we want to be. We are learning to keep our cool while trying to juggle a bazillion other things at once. It teaches that we are not perfect and our children aren't perfect, but that there are perfect moments. And this is what I want to post about: My Perfect Moments. The other day my baby boy was crawling next to me climbing up onto something and I looked down and thought, "I love this baby and having a baby in the house is so sweet. Perfect Moment!" Today the kids were jumping on the bed. Lanie practicing her 'B-B-Bee' sound and Mav's little chunky legs bouncing trying to keep up with his sister. They were looking out of the window at the rainy day outside and as I smiled at the fun they were having, I thought, "Perfect Moment!" After that, we sat and read books together. Lanie pretended like she was 'Super Lanie' and Mav tried turning the pages gently as to not tear them. Perfect Moment. Later, I sat to sew a quilt and Lanie asked about the needle, the thread, the reverse sew button, the light, the on button, the pedal, the cord, and as I had a teaching moment with her on sewing, I thought, "Perfect Moment!" While putting my kids down for naps, Lanie wanted to talk about Disneyland. She said in 4 minutes we can go to Disneyland when Adaela gets home (oh the mind of a child). Then she proceeded to tell me about her favorite parts of Disneyland. As we talked about it, her face lit up. I loved hearing her talk and holding her in my arms as I rocked her. Perfect Moment! Each day I hope to unplug and slow down enough to notice the Perfect Moments of the day and stop trying to be a PERFECT mom and start trying to be a PERFECT MOMENT mom.

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