Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Every Day a Vacation

I stole this idea from my cousin that lives in Texas. She moved about a month before us. I was feeling sad about being away from family, more importantly, having our kids away from family. I asked my cousin if she was feeling the same way and I said, "I just wish every day was a vacation!" She replied with, "It is." I have thought a lot about that and being here in Mass. There is so much to do here that is different from Utah. We are so close to different states and different cities (big cities). The people are different, the culture is different, the dialect is different, there is different food and so many fun things to do (that aren't all that expensive). I finally decided to have the motto, "Every day is a vacation." Now when I approach the day or the week, I get excited about what "field trip" we can take. What new things we can do! Since I have taken this approach, it has started to feel more like home. I am happy about my surroundings and I am taking advantage of the time we have here. I hope we get to fit lots of "mini vacations" into the big vacation. So you will often see in this blog the adventures of every day being a vacation.

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