Monday, August 13, 2012

Shawn's Schedule

So we have lived here 3 months now and have just this past week figured out a schedule that functionally works for our family. Since Shawn has to work evenings, when customers are home, my days were long. He would go into work at sometimes 10 in the morning and not get home till 9 or 9:30at night. I was losing steam and he was not having very much family time. Recently, we organized ourselves and his schedule to work better for us. Shawn now works from 12:30pm-9pm. Instead of having family time in the evenings like a traditional family, we have our mornings together. We get to have breakfast and lunch together and Shawn helps gets kids put down for naps before he leaves (that makes bedtime easier for me). We miss having dinner together as a family, but I will take lunch! We seem so much happier now that we are figuring out a routine! Along with that, just this week too, we figured out that Maverick won't sleep while Lanie is awake because she is so noisy that he can't stay asleep. So we have them nap at the same time. This is going well and gives me a nice break in the day. Mav still gets up in the night, so breaking that will be our next hurdle to jump over. Shawn is a wonderful daddy and husband and gets up with Mav most nights. I know....I'm spoiled! Thanks Honey!

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