Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Differences

So I have been thinking a lot about the similarities and differences between my 2 kids. It's amazing how their personalities show so early on. When I was pregnant with Lanie, I picked up every cold and bug that was out there. I had swine flu, bronchitis (4 times), and all the other little illnesses that were in the air. Interestingly enough, Lanie carried that trait into her little life and she picks up any bug or germ that she's around. The little princess was on an antibiotic nearly every month of her first 6 months of life. She seemed to have a runny nose and cold ALL THE TIME. Lanie was also a noodle baby. Hardly moved (didn't walk until she was 17.5 months old) and was content to just lay there and entertain herself. To this day, she likes to play alone. Lanie took a binky and at 4 months could put it in her own mouth in her sleep (the pediatrician even commented on how remarkable that was). With Maverick's pregnancy, I don't think I was ever sick with a cold. I was around sick people often, and never picked up their illness.  On the other hand, I threw up my entire pregnancy. I felt like I had the flu for 9 months but it was never viral or bacterial, it was all pregnancy sick. Mav has been such a healthy baby thusfar (just like I was pregnant), he has not had a single cold or bug (knock on wood).  But, this little boy pukes ALL THE TIME, just like I did when I was pregnant with him. Is there a relationship here? I think so, but I don't know the facts. Maverick never stops moving. At 5 weeks old he squirmed himself off of the couch. He is stiff and strong. I anticipate an early walker. Mav is VERY social and loves playtime. He does not like to be left out or left alone. He can't suck a binky on his own for the life of him. We have to hold it and in all honesty, he really doesn't need it. It's been so fun to notice these differences between the two and to have a whole new experience with Maverick.

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