Sunday, July 22, 2012

Our Mass Rental House

Many of you have been asking, slightly begging, for us to give you a tour of our house. Here it is! We love it and hope you enjoy it too!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Hampton Beach with Nana Jo Jo

June 28th-30th,we went to Hampton Beach while my mom was here. Auntie Pam and Angela came too. It was the beach they went to as kids. We stayed at the Pelham Hotel right across from the beach. It was awesome!

Above: Walking the boardwalk and lunch at Sabo's. Yummy wraps!

Lanie loved the beach, the ocean water, time with daddy,
and the Superbrella (thank you Geoff and Sevana).

Nana Jo Jo time!!!

Hanging out at the hotel napping, watching Dora on the Kindle, relaxing on the deck, playing games, eating fry bread, and more Nana and Auntie Pam time.

Playing in the waves with Daddy.

This huge playground was across from our hotel on the beach.
Lanie loved it and went Sunday morning in her pajamas.

Anthony, Ashley, and Lily met up with us on Sunday. Lanie and Lily played on the beach and we all went to the FUNARAMA Arcade and played Ski Ball, Connect Four, and Dance Dance Revolution (which I'm terrible at).  For dinner (and to close our fast for Barbi) ,we went to Mama Leone's.

On Monday, June 30th, we left the beach and went to Petey's Restaurant in Rye, NH. It was a gorgeous drive on the coast. At Petey's, we met up with Gayle, Connie Allard, Connie's mom, and Chelsea. After lunch, we drove an hour to Hooksett, NH to see Aunt "Mickey," That was such a fun visit. We spent the afternoon with Mickey and it felt like we were with my nana. Lanie and Mickey played with letters on the fridge. While we chatted with Mickey and had dinner, Lanie sat on a bean bag in the TV room watching Spout TV. It was so fun spending time with Mickey and we will definitely be back to visit her soon.

Our Man Mav

Maverick is becoming so active and social. It is very fun to watch. He recently discovered his hands and spends lots of time learning how they work and putting them in his mouth. He has a most-contagious smile!!!

The Ecotarium

On June 27th, I took the kids to the Ecotarium in Worcester with some friends. We went with Hannah and Valerie's families. Lanie rode in the backseat with Rebecca and Spencer. At the Ecotarium they had story time about a Screech Owl, they got to meet a real Screech Owl, and then they did a craft where they made owl masks. It was so delightful to go out with friends!

Our Anniversary

For our 4th Aniversary, my parents sent us some books, since books are the traditional 4-year-gift. Shawn gave me 4 roses, one for every year we've been married. Both were very sweet. I gave Shawn a flower chipboard scrapbook with pictures and a poem of our 4th year together. I think he liked it.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Differences

So I have been thinking a lot about the similarities and differences between my 2 kids. It's amazing how their personalities show so early on. When I was pregnant with Lanie, I picked up every cold and bug that was out there. I had swine flu, bronchitis (4 times), and all the other little illnesses that were in the air. Interestingly enough, Lanie carried that trait into her little life and she picks up any bug or germ that she's around. The little princess was on an antibiotic nearly every month of her first 6 months of life. She seemed to have a runny nose and cold ALL THE TIME. Lanie was also a noodle baby. Hardly moved (didn't walk until she was 17.5 months old) and was content to just lay there and entertain herself. To this day, she likes to play alone. Lanie took a binky and at 4 months could put it in her own mouth in her sleep (the pediatrician even commented on how remarkable that was). With Maverick's pregnancy, I don't think I was ever sick with a cold. I was around sick people often, and never picked up their illness.  On the other hand, I threw up my entire pregnancy. I felt like I had the flu for 9 months but it was never viral or bacterial, it was all pregnancy sick. Mav has been such a healthy baby thusfar (just like I was pregnant), he has not had a single cold or bug (knock on wood).  But, this little boy pukes ALL THE TIME, just like I did when I was pregnant with him. Is there a relationship here? I think so, but I don't know the facts. Maverick never stops moving. At 5 weeks old he squirmed himself off of the couch. He is stiff and strong. I anticipate an early walker. Mav is VERY social and loves playtime. He does not like to be left out or left alone. He can't suck a binky on his own for the life of him. We have to hold it and in all honesty, he really doesn't need it. It's been so fun to notice these differences between the two and to have a whole new experience with Maverick.

Wheel of Fortune

What am I doing right now? I'm sipping my Diet Pepsi and watching Wheel of Fortune with my lovely husband. We record Wheel and watch it every night when Shawn gets home from work. One day we will be on that show!

Potty Training

So, we decided that it was time to potty train Lanie this week. I dedicated my whole week from Tuesday-Friday to doing this. I read a book called the 3 Day Potty Training Method by Lora Jensen. It is a really good program but has taken us longer than 3 days. On the 3rd day, Lanie finally knew to tell me "Potty." Well, today is day 5 and Lanie's successes are very sporatic. It has been an exciting, frustrating, and exhausting week to say the least.  She just had an accident and as Shawn put her on the toilet, she said, "Oh suck...oh suck...oh suck..." repeatedly. It was funny and alarming at the same time. Shawn and I looked at each other in shock. I think we know who to blame for her learning that!