Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sometimes it scares me about how smart Lanie is.  Maybe all parents are scared of their kids.  Maybe we're all afraid of our kids realizing that we actually don't know what we're doing as parents, and that we just make things up as we go along.  I'm not sure.  But I'm pretty sure that Lanie is pretty freaking smart.

Since Lanie was born, Anna and I have been very good about reading with Lanie each night before bed.  Mostly children's books of course, but Lanie has also been through The Hunger Games and a little bit of Harry Potter på Svenska.  Well, lately she's taken a more proactive approach.  She tells us the books she wants to read, and she corrects us if we grab one she doesn't like.  I figure that's normal.  Most kids at least think they know what they want.  (whereas most adults don't have a clue)

The scary part came tonight, when, as she selected the books, she said "I wanna hode it."  Okay...  Sure honey, you can "hode" it.  Well, then she proceeded to READ the books to me.  And I'm not talking about her usual two-year old, Lanie gibberish, but actually "reading" or reciting/recalling whole sentences or simply a word or two from each page.  She did that for all 5 books we read tonight.  And these weren't just "See Spot Run," each book was about 20 pages long.

I just sat there stunned.  Maybe all of this is normal.  Maybe most parents are freaked out by their genius/cyborg kids too.  I love my Lanie.  I can not wait to meet the person that she grows up to be. 

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