Saturday, June 16, 2012

2 things....

Okay...two things....#1: Maverick is changing....FINALLY! We are transitioning into 0-3 month clothes from his newborn clothes and he's almost 3 months. Shawn and I both looked at him today and said, "Mav's changing, isn't he?" #2: If Lanie knew how to change her own diaper and open the fridge to feed herself, she'd easily be able to take care of herself. If she could make a bottle and, again, change a diaper, she'd easily be able to take care of Maverick. She is such an independent little girl who loves to play by herself reading, singing, dancing, swimming, coloring, learning, riding her bike, running around, eating, drinking yogurt, drinking "KauKau" milk (chocolate milk) and so many other things. We often feel like she does not need our help with much.  Sometimes we forget that she is only 2. I guess that's what happens with the oldest child.

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