Sunday, June 24, 2012

Busy Week...I love weeks like this!!!

Chauncy Lake

Saturday, June 16th, we went to Chauncy Lake.  It is about 2 blocks from our house so we could just walk over there. It was one of the first Saturdays that hasn't been rainy here. Mav did not enjoy it as much as Lanie. She loved everything about it: the lake, the slide on the playground, the swings, the teeter-totter, and stealing the sand toys from random people by us.

Boston Commons

On Monday, June 18th, for Family Night, we went into downtown Boston. Boston Commons is what we call the "Central Park" of Boston. It is quaint and beautiful. It's a very fun and relaxing place to people watch (which I love doing). There is a playground there where Lanie of course enjoyed playing. We had dinner at P.F. Changs. We wanted to go somewhere authentic but didn't know where exactly to go. Good thing though, because Lanie absolutely LOVED the fried rice at P.F.'s and had a ball patio dining. Also, we hunted down my favorite bridge which is right by the stadium where the Celtics play (for those of you that may not know...I love bridges). The detour drive to get home after was long with 2 exhausted children, but we'll deem it worth it. 

So, many of you ask how Lanie is adjusting to the move and if she is happy here and settling in okay....I thought these pictures explained it all.  Look at that smile! I think she is doing just fine. Mav on the other hand might need some more encouragement. :)

Lanie has a special relationship with her "Pops." This all stems from M&Ms.  She begs for "Pops Candy" everyday. Lanie got this letter in the mail from her Grandpa Kerry (Pops). Simply a bag of M&Ms to remind her of him. She was so excited!

Hats, Hats, and more Hats!!! Lanie has been loving hats lately (Mav not so much). And as you can tell, even if they're not hats, she puts them on her head.

Cape Cod

On Wednesday, June 20th, Shawn and I celebrated our 4th Wedding Anniversary. Shawn took the day off and we took the 1 1/2 hour drive to "The Cape." It was 95 degrees here plus humidity that day; It was beautiful. We had a good time at the beach and in the ocean. I think we'll both say, though, it was a lot of work to do with 2 kiddos.

Double Rainbow

Yesterday, June 23rd, I went out shopping with Lanie. When we left it was humid and hot. While we were out, it started pouring (which is quite common here). As we walked in the store, we saw this double rainbow. Lanie just stood there and stared saying, "Meemo (raindbow)."

This has been such a great week.  Feels like we've been on vacation. I love spending time as a family and I love, love, love recognizing and being amongst the beauties that surround us.

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