Friday, June 20, 2014

Six Years with Lots of Tears, But Mostly Smiles with ALL our Miles!!!

You know, marrying someone after 12 years of knowing each other makes for an incredibly easy transition into marriage; there were very few surprises. But we are still getting to know each other, and since Shawn doesn't do sappy, I thought I might reveal some fun facts that I have discovered about him in our quick 6 years of marriage:

1. He still ties a bow using the bunny ears method. And he refuses to learn how to loop, swoop, and pull.
2. He has his own made up language. Don't ask!
3. He hates closet doors and has removed them everywhere we have lived.
4. He LOVES cookies and eats an entire batch in one sitting. It's probably good that I am terrible at baking.
5. He "sleeps" with socks on...
6. He is incredibly logical and therefore really struggles with the Old Testament.
7. He LOVES to be outside. Preferably at a baseball game or playing softball.
8. He is VERY organized and tidy. And throws close to everything away. Sore subject here!
9. He likely has NEVER cleaned a bathroom, especially a toilet. So he may be tidy, but doesn't know much about the cleaning part (we joke that if I wasn't in the picture, he'd need house cleaners).
10. He does NOT fight. We don't fight. If I get mad, he calms the storm. It's a gift really.
11. He has lost 3 wedding rings in our first 3 years. He no longer wears a wedding band. :(
12. He is often a grinch about most things, and loves me with all his grinch size heart!!!
13. He is a beyond loyal friend. I heard a quote, "You gotta take care of your friends or you could lose them." Shawn truly nurtures friendships.
14. He dislikes people who act like their pets are humans. 
15. He's mostly insensitive and not so romantic. Maybe one day he will dote and coddle. 
16. He is a mouth breather, snorer, and allergy fighter.
17. With those allergies, he blows his nose louder than a trumpet. Holy wake up the neighborhood!
18. He loves jeopardy and is the smartest person I know.
19. BUT he knows nothing about anatomy or physiology (myo, cardio, or pulmo???) Good thing he is not a doctor!
20. He is an avid reader and reads faster than anyone I know. 52 books/year!
21. He hates the smell of tuna fish and hard boiled eggs. Of which I eat lots!
22. He is a social drinker. He only drinks SODA in a social setting, never any other time.
23. He has a great singing voice, but hides it under a bushel.
24. He is an over-analyzer which makes decision making a long drawn out process. The day we buy a new car or house will be interesting and gut wrenching!
25. He separates his tiny little Trident gums into thirds so that they will last longer. Teeny tiny pieces of gum!
26. When he gets a meal, he has to cut all before consumption. I am a cut as you go kind of person, Shawn is not. So I am close to done with my meal by the time he even starts cause he has been spending his time cutting and preparing his food.
27. He has super sensitive eyes. He has NEVER been to the eye doctor and can't even handle eye drops. You should see the freak outs it causes.
28. He is a multi-tasker, unlike most men (and I am NOT, unlike most women). He HAS to be doing at least two things at once, usually 3 or more though. This includes in the car. Watch out!!!
29. He has to be right! And in most cases, is right!
30. He is weird in the morning. Okay, I'll be honest, he is weird MOST of the time.
31. He loves warm hugs. Usually at the most inopportune time.
32. He has an obsession with popping toes. I don't mind it cause I usually get a foot rub out of it.
33. He has the air on in the car year round. Total freeze out!! Brr!
34. His trademark is funny Sunday socks. 
35. He loves yard sales....especially ones outside of Utah. 

AND he's ALL mine folks!!!!

Happy Anniversary Honey Bunch!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mega March....760 What???

Remember the days of 27 mm film development? When we took analog cameras around with us? The days when we didn't see our pictures until they were developed? The days when our pictures came with negatives in case we wanted to double or triple print them later on? The days when we took WAY LESS pictures? I do. And it was just before Shawn and my relationship together began. And since Shawn and I LOVE taking pictures equally as much, we kinda ridiculously smash the days of 27 mm film. After sorting through 760 pictures from JUST the month of March, these 40 collages are what I came up with to spotlight.
It was a fun and busy month!!!

Finishing the Alphabet School
Letter Z
Zebras and Zig Zag Races

Mav loves Lanie's kitchen more than she does. 
He always makes me eggs and soup. 

I was really trying to get a nap in one day and Lanie was NOT going to let that happen. So instead of being frustrated, we got crazy making silly faces and jumping on the bed.

Hudson Library
The "different" library is Mav's favorite for trucks and trains. He also walked the ramp for awhile with the toy vacuum. Lanie loves their puzzles and educational computer games. The library was particularly awesome this day cause we went in the afternoon. It was quiet so I sat and read while the kids played. It was magnificent!!!

Our beloved EcoTarium!!! Shawn took the kids and left me to my peace. 
They sure can't get enough of this place!

Science Play

Our new-ish bed. We bought this bedroom set off of some friends and we are VERY happy about it. It's got a unique look which I really like. I feel spoiled; we have a bedroom set AND a TV in our room. Shawn protests the TV, but I just tell him that I made it through our first 5 years married without one, now he can make it through the next 5 years WITH one. Then we can re-evaluate it. 
Another plus to this bed is the storage which Mav calls the CAVE. He can get to it through the white retractable pillow boards at the head. It's pretty fun stuff!!

Daddy Work?
This boy sees green and screams "Daddy Work!" So one day he walked in our closet, only to find daddy's work shirts. I couldn't help but put him in it and let him be daddy for the day. Shawn loves his job with Solar City and this shows a little about what he does to take care of us!!! 
Saving energy one roof at a time!

"Bleed Purple"
"Weber State! Weber State! 
Great! Great! Great!"
Couldn't have had more fun as a family than in our purple, rooting for Weber State, at Buffalo Wild Wings during March Madness. Pretty sure we were the ONLY Weber State fans in the entire state. 
We love Weber Basketball!!!!

Barbi and Nana
On Their Way!!!
Lanie was beyond excited to see Aunt Barbi and Nana JoJo. The morning they flew in....she left our apartment countless times to check and see if they were here yet. I had to document it. 

Thursday, May 13th
Day 1
They are here!!!! 
And the fun begins! 
Straight to lunch at Qdoba and the EcoTarium.
I love the picture of Mav and the tractor. 
Such a boy!

From the EcoTarium, we went to dinner at the Natick Mall and hit up the 
American Girl Doll Store for B's 4 girls. Had to get their souvenirs there, right?
That store brings out my inner kid!

After a full day of fun showing Barbi the area, we came home to be spoiled with presents from Alana, Barbi, and Nana. Sheesh it was like Christmas!!!! Lanie, the honorary Felicity Dance member!

Friday, March 14th
Day 2
Boston Day
Before Boston, we went to IHOP for breakfast, I got a tour of Lanie's Preschool (Tiny Tomahawks), and we went to the Toy Store for Nana's birthday shopping. Seriously, these people came bearing gifts. My cute mom has a tradition of buying these mini couch beds for each grandkid on their 2nd birthday. Mav had the choice between Mickey, Elmo, and Lightening McQueen and he of course chose Mickey. Lanie chose a My Little Pony toy. Fun Nana!!!

Tea Party Boat and View and the Custom House Tower (Boston's Big Ben). 
I LOVE this city!!!


Quincy Market

Children's Museum

Children's Museum Dinner
Barbi was getting the BEST smiles out of our Bug.

Saturday, March 15th
Day 3
Lunch with the gang at The Backroom in New Hampshire. 
We gave the best tip basket full of endless treasures and money. 
We are funny!!!

Visiting Aunt Mickey
Katie, Buster, and Justin came to Mickey's. 
It's great getting to know them better!
Mickey is seriously the happiest, most fun 86 year-old I know.

After Mickey's, we got a babysitter and went to the Boston Temple to do some family names. We got Aunt Joan and Uncle Chet sealed. Mom and Shawn were their proxies. Pretty awesome!
Barbi got a great shot of Shawn and me walking to the temple. That's a shot you don't get captured much. Love that boy of mine!!!

Sunday, March 16th
Day 4
Last Day (tear)
I think I mentioned that Barbi brought out the natural smile in this girl. It was unbelievable and so fun to watch. Barbi came in with the fun and love that these kids crave. Barbi had NO interest in doing the history sites in Boston or the surrounding area, she wanted to play with the kids, and they knew it. Her trip was different than any of the others of my siblings. I feel so blessed that all of my siblings and parents have been able to be part of our little life here. Lanie was truly a riot and princess in this adorable dress from her Auntie.

These sassy sweeties make my world turn. 
They put on a show for Nana and Barbi.
We went to church, then straight to the airport to say goodbye to Barbs and mom. It was way too fast, but so much incredible fun!

St. Patrick's Day
Lucky the Leprechaun visited! Lanie was pretty freaked out that he peed in our toilet and didn't stay long enough to flush or introduce himself. Holidays are what make being a grown up fun. They give us a chance to pause and think of how to make each other smile. I love making EVERY holiday more than it probably needs to be. So sue me!!!

These two weren't gettin' pinched, NO WAY! Green shoes, green shirts, green bows. 
Bow credit to Shelby Ray!!

That owl shirt ONLY gets worn on our "Animal Center" days when she sees the live owls. 

Loving their couch beds so much now that they BOTH have one. 
Thanks Nana JoJo and Grandpa!!!!

They tried to sell this Olaf to me for $299. Yeah right!!! He was HUGE!!! But fun to maul and play with in the store. Lanie knocked him over and rode on him like a horse. The workers were actually getting a kick out of us!

Joy School Field Trip
Pet Store and Toy Store
Yep, it was still freezing outside so our field trips were inside. We took the kids to the pet store which they seemed to enjoy. Then we took them to another store and had them tidy and clean to earn money to get a toy. Sadie pretended like she was the cashier. Lanie and Mav got to see the doggies get their hair cut. 
Cute kids!

Mav's Obsession
Frozen is the ONLY show that Mav will sit through entirely and the only way to describe him while he watches it. He is not much of a TV/Electronics kid, but when it come to his Elsa, he tunes in. He kinda loves her....A LOT!
So much so that he happily sleeps with Lanie's Elsa doll and the DVD case. 

Daddy Daycare
Lanie at Toys R Us
Mav at Toys R Us

This little boy has my whole heart, plus some. He loves his momma too! We have an unbreakable love and bond. And sometimes we are just plain silly together.
#helovesselfies #Idonot

Time to make a chore chart. She had a blast. 
Normally my kids are terrified of the vacuum, but not anymore. 
Can't wait for her household helping hands.

This little lady LOVES her dad. Like seriously, that's an understatement. So this particular morning, she protested him leaving for work and planted herself in front of the door. It was pretty dang funny!

But then daddy comes home and they melt into him. He makes life so much happier!

Field Trip
Boston Science Museum with Lanie's Joy School friends. I loved the electricity show. The kids loved EVERYTHING. This was our first trip there. And it only took me forever to find it and get there cause I took the blasted exit 18 into Cambridge that inevitably ruins everyone's commute. BUT we finally got there and it was worth it. Plus, Shelly got us FREE tickets. Couldn't go wrong! 
Fun field trip! Spoiled kids!

One of my final classes with this year's preschool/joyschool crew. I would consider it a great success too! They learned about the Water Cycle, Cycles in general, and Rainbows. The girls had a blast making colored salt rainbow jars. What a smart bunch!

Well, that's our Mega March for ya!!! 
So glad we could have Barbi and Nana JoJo come!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

February: Longest Month Ever!!!

Super Bowl Sunday
Febuary 2, 2014
We spent the Super Bowl with a dear friend of ours, Reed Nixon. Shawn is his home teacher and has had the opportunity to get to know him. Reed is amazing! He became a quadraplegic after breaking his neck in a car accident. Shawn and Reed get together and talk sports. We thought there was no better person to spend the Super Bowl with than Reed and his family. The kids were great and the food was yummy. Just wish the game would've been better!

Perfect Piggy
So there is a cute story behind these pictures. Lanie hasn't pulled her piggy bank out much since she potty trained. Well, one day, she was begging to go to Chuck-E-Cheese's. I wanted her to understand that outings have to be earned, so I pulled out her piggy bank. I said, "If we there is $10.00 in your piggy bank, then we can go to Chuck-E-Cheese's."  We spent the next little bit sorting and counting the money, which was actually very fun for the kids. Our final count was $10.35 which meant one happy little girl. I know she didn't totally understand this whole process, but it was so cute to watch her excitement as she realized that we had enough money to fulfill her request. Thank you Piggy for holding the PERFECT amount to make a little girl's day!

Unforgettable Moment
On Wednesday night of February 5th, I got a dreaded phone call from my mom. I answered to hear my mom say, "Anna something terrible has happened. Angela died!" (I get a pit in my stomach even writing this) I accepted the news and calmly asked what I should do. My mom asked me to call my Aunt Pam (Angela's mom) and find out what she needed. Pam was hysterical and not in a position to talk but her friend Christine, offered up some advice. Since we had just had a foot of snow drop that day, I couldn't safely get up to Vermont immediately, so the next morning, I packed up the kids and made the 2 1/2 hour drive up to see Pam and Anthony. I am so glad we spent the day up there and that my kids could offer some grief relief. In that time, my mom arranged to fly out and offer her help. 
So my mom got here on Saturday morning. She settled in, then on Sunday after church, we headed back up to Springfield, VT together. Pam was so relieved to have my mom there. And so was I.

Gayle met us in Springfield, and we stayed at a God-Forsaken Bed and Breakfast. It was cold, smelly, and mysterious. Two nights there was enough for us! I was kind of a mess, so I made Shawn come up early and stay with us. He compared the place to the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland. Quite the memorable experience!
The viewing and funeral services were really good. It was incredibly hard to see Ang initially cause I just wish we could've helped her more. But I realize and know that she is in a safer, better place with those whom she missed and loved. 

Shawn conducted the funeral and dedicated the grave. It was his first experience doing this and he did a wonderful job. I am so grateful for his composure and Priesthood worthiness and I know others felt peace because of it. 

As if all of this wasn't overwhelming enough, when we went to pick up Shawn's car at the hotel, before the luncheon, the battery was dead. We tried charging it (keep in mind it was only 5 degrees outside....SO COLD) and what happened? Our cars started on fire! Terrifying! Shawn got the jumper cables off as quickly as he could, threw them in the snow, and put out the fire. He stayed behind and called road side service for help and sent me to the luncheon with the kids. They took care of him and he made it to the luncheon shortly after me. We left that afternoon to come back to Massachusetts. What a whirlwind!

Bad News = Good News
We got home on Tuesday night so my mom could fly out on Wednesday. But since the week was going so unconventionally, my mom of course was not able to fly out on Wednesday. We got snowed in and her flight was canceled. This was no bad news, at least not for us. It meant NANA TIME!

We took Nana to our Wednesday storytime at the EcoTarium. 
We got to meet a live snake that day. 

And who doesn't need Chuck-E-Cheese's after meeting a snake.
Nana took us for a fun Valentine's outing at Chuck's E's. 
Made for a lot of smiles!
We love Nana JoJo!!!

My mom was delayed and stranded here till Friday or maybe Saturday (we didn't mind though), then she sat at the airport till they got her out. She needed to get home to make it to Chris' in St. George by Sunday to watch his kids while they went on vacation.  Traveling Nana!!!

Lanie has been part of a fun little Joy School rotation this year. She has really developed through it, it's been amazing to watch. We are so grateful for her school friends: Sadie, Sage, and Sydney. Lanie has loved their moms, her teachers, Miss Shelly and Miss Valerie. 
On my week of the rotation we did the letters "T" and "U". For T, they learned about all the different kinds of Transportation: air, ground, and water. They did a matching game and we built a driving range with pillows and masking tape. They were darling zooming around. 
For the letter "U" they learned about the United States of America and practiced writing U-S-A. These are 4 very smart little girls.

Field Trip
Part of our rotation is Field Trips. Two times each month we take the kids on field trips. We found a place in Hudson called the Roller Kingdom that teaches roller skating lessons for $5 per session. Shawn came along for some extra hands. The girls were nervous at first, but by the end, they were really getting the hang of it. Mav was adorable in his skates but was not a big fan of the whole adventure.

"Tallest Tower in the World"
Because this is what he really likes to do. Build Towers!!! It is so fun watching Mav play at the Lego Table that Santa built. This kid is such a boy!!!

And Lanie is such a girl! She is sweet, emotional, thoughtful, and intense. One day she will make a great mama. I love watching her innate nurturing skills. This was a sweet moment!

Well, we sure didn't have a deficit of snow this winter. You will notice that most of the pictures in this post are indoors. That is because we were snowed in most of the month.  One day, when I was sick of being inside and during Mav's nap, I took Lanie out to get some fresh air. We built this snowman. You'll never guess what Lanie named it....

Happy Valentine's Day
The kids' Valentine's Lunch consisted of our usual Peanut Butter Sandwiches which were "magically" cookie cut into hearts. Add some red sprinkles and voila! I am made to look like the coolest mom ever! We kept Valentine's VERY simple this year!

Disney On Ice
Happy Valentine's Day a week late!!!
Maybe we are creating a tradition. Year two of giving my family Disney on Ice tickets for V-Day. Got the tickets for free with the Simon Gift Card Promo. I felt happy about that! Fun family time!

What's a boy without his tools???
Mav found our stash of tools under our bed and he couldn't have been happier!!

Join the Inside Joke
So Shawn and I have an ongoing joke that he should NEVER bring home grocery store flowers that are still in their plastic wrap with the price tag on them. I find them thoughtless, desperate, and cheap (maybe that is harsh and jerkish, but it's how I feel). Anyhow, since we had that conversation, we've made fun of it and he often comes home with grocery store flowers still in their plastic with the price tag on just to make me laugh. I love him!!! But this particular day, to prove a point, Shawn walked in from work, went straight to Lanie, and gave her some grocery store flowers (and Super Why cereal). This girl couldn't have been happier and felt more loved. So honey, you proved your point, hun!!!

Game Night
Our friends, the Ramsey's, invited us over for Sunday dinner and games. They have kids the same ages as ours and so the kids played while we played. They introduced us to a fun game called Bausack (weird name). We love playing games, especially new ones! Lanie clearly made herself at home as she read on the potty while she did her business. The reason I took that picture is because the last time we were at their house for dinner Lanie was potty training. Now she is a potty going pro! Victory!!!

Library Day
Saturdays are library day with daddy!!!

Sand Play
Who needs playdoh when you have Swedish Sand. We love this play sand stuff that the kids got for Christmas. Has gotten us through a lot of snow days and is much easier to clean up than playdoh. The only problem is the kids try eating it. Foo!!

Best Daddy Award
Saying these kids love their daddy would be an understatement. He is so lucky to have them and they are so lucky to have him and I am so lucky to have them ALL. 

Yellow Marshmallow
This kid hardly ever falls asleep in the car, but who can't resist a good snooze when you're vest is like a pillow, packing you in your carseat? He was stuffed into the buckle and passed out!!! All sprawled!

The "Different" Library
Tuesday mornings, Hudson Library has Laptime where the kids go and get music and stories. They are both old enough now to interact at the class. It's really cute. But more exciting than the class are the computer learning games for Lanie and the train table for Maverick. Mav hoards all of the train cars and lines them up along the track. He prefers no one to bother his routine. You know, we usually go to the Northborough Library because it's just around the corner, but on occasion we take the 15 minute drive to this library, which the kids often request. It's their favorite and they call it the "Different" Library to make sure we know which library they want. I like going there too; it's on the lake and in an OLD building. It's awesome!

We Love Our Son
There is just something special about a mother/son relationship. I just adore this little guy! He is the happiest two-year-old around!

Happy Birthday Auntie Pam!!!
Auntie Pam's Birthday Banner! 
You would never guess how hard it is to take just one good picture of two toddlers
 next to a banner to wish someone a happy birthday. 
Here is our process and grand attempts!

Snow....snow....and more snow!!!!
Yep this was pretty much the entire month!!! It made for an incredibly LONG depressing month. Our best efforts tried to have fun, but there were few days over 5 degrees the entire month. 
It was bitterly cold AND snowy. 
Top left: Parking lot full of cars. Being snowed in literally meant no one left the parking lot.
Top right: Snow plows couldn't keep up. Shawn driving behind them, trying to get home from one of the few days he went to work.
Bottom left: So much snow that the snow tractors in our complex got stuck. This tractor had to have another tractor come pull him out. It was ridiculous!
Bottom right: Me standing by the snow bank. They were as tall as me. Piles and piles of snow EVERYWHERE! 
I love winter, but not this much winter. Give me snow in December and then go away. February is not the time to START winter!!! End rant!

Winter Escape
We needed some fun and we needed to get out of the house. So I planned a 24-hour getaway. We drove 2 1/2 hours to the White Mountain National Forest in Lincoln, NH. We got a hotel so we could do some swimming with the kids. It was delightfully fun!

The next morning we surprised the kids with Elsa and Olaf dolls, got them in their snow suits, and took them to see Elsa's Ice Castles at Loon Mountain Resort.

Before we went to the Ice Castles, we went on a hunt for Covered Bridges. We saw Albany, Sacco, and Bartlett Gift Shop Covered Bridges all built in the 1800s. We also stopped at a mom and pop cafe, Cabin Fever, for homemade pie and ice cream. Ended our adventure with lunch at Black Mountain Burger. The kids slept for most of our drive through the White Mountain National Forest which worked out perfectly cause then they were awake for the Ice Castles. Side note: I grew up with a mom who LOVED covered bridges. We did multiple puzzles growing up of covered bridges that she now has framed in her house. I now understand why. They remind her of New England and are beautiful tucked away in nature. Thanks mom for sharing your love of these with me. I love them too!

Ice Castles
When we were in Utah over Christmas, I heard about the ice castles in Midway. I really wanted to go see them, but it just didn't fit into our schedule. But when I had researched them, I noticed that there were 3 locations of the ice castles: Utah, Colorado, and New Hampshire. When we got home from our Utah trip, I made plans to go and see these with my little family. So here we are! Lanie loved the ice slide, Mav was afraid of the hanging icicles but loved the castles once it was dark and they were lit up. It was freakishly cold, but I am so glad we went. I love when we can take these quick and memorable getaways. 
And I love my little crew!!!

February was such a bitter-sweet month. I am not going to lie, I was glad when it ended cause I knew it meant we were that much closer to warmer weather. Sunshine brings smiles!!!