Saturday, April 19, 2014

You Know You're a Mom (or Dad) When....

So I have been thinking about the changes that occur once you become a parent. Let's be honest, LIFE completely changes. It takes on a whole new meaning. And your purpose and desires transform with these little people. I came up with a list of 30 "things" that remind us that we are parents. Keep in mind, our littles are only 2 and 4 years old, so we haven't even entered the world of school-goers and talk-backers. I am sure more will be added when that phase hits. But for now, here goes!

You know you are a mom/dad when....

1. Four hours of sleep straight feels like a victory!
2. You hear phantom cries or screams (this can happen anytime, but most times when you are in the shower or watching TV. You turn the shower water off to make sure it's phantom or you mute the TV and sit in silence waiting for the sound, cause it's phantom)
3. You don't shower before noon (moms of newborns especially)
4. Grocery shopping becomes grocery fighting/crying/screaming. Isn't grocery shopping the worst???
5. Talking on the phone is your child's chance to create Hell on Earth. No more phone calls please, but if you DO call, leave a message, I will for sure respond via text or email. 
6. You find yourself singing, while alone, Barney songs cause they are stuck in your head.
7. Your staple foods are Mac and Cheese, Pancakes, and Peanut Butter sandwiches.
8. You are constantly taking pictures, because you want to document it all, but know you'll NEVER have time to write in a journal (at least not like you used to).
9. Peeing with an audience is normal.
10. Hearing "Mommy, Mommy!" a thousand times in the day is below average.
11. Going to the Park is your outing.
12. Eating out is ordering Happy Meals or from the dollar menu.
13. YOUR bedtime is 9pm.
14. The book you're reading consists of letters, colors, and shapes.
15. Baby wipes are a must have.
16. You know that each baby wipe costs 3 cents.
17. Disneyland is the dream vacation you are saving for.
18. You are a referee (and of course nurse, chef, therapist, financial planner, maid, problem solver, healer, entertainer, plumber, teacher, hairdresser, etc) .
19. Getting out of the house takes 30 extra minutes....PER KID!
20. You are perpetually 10 minutes late to EVERYTHING!
21. You have mastered the 3 P's: Puke, Poop, and Pee!
22. You are a human garbage can ("Here take this....I'm done with it!").
23. You're buried in laundry.
24. Clothes shopping is fun because it's for your kids. I don't get discouraged shopping for kids, cause I KNOW they make everything look cute and that the clothes will fit.
25. Quality time is spent in the car, cause let's be honest, you're now a full-fledged FREE taxi service.
26. You carry a bag similar to Mary Poppins'.
27. Date night is now take out and a rental movie.
28. You buy washable crayons and markers.
29. Your paper pile seems to be having babies. Kids sure love to draw and color.
30. There are finger prints everywhere; on the mirrors, night stands, windows, tables, couches, walls, dressers....I mean EVERYWHERE!

You know, I feel like I have been through and done hard things in my life, but being a parent has been the hardest experience, hands down. This does not mean that I don't love it and find the greatest of happiness in it. Because I much....even on the LONG days! The best payment I get each day is peeking in on my sleeping angels at the end of the day and feeling the sweet peace that encompasses their little bodies as they prepare for the next day's energetic activities! They are tender seconds that only last for a moment, but in that moment I am reminded that.... 

"...When ye are in the service of your fellow 'children', ye are in the service of your God."  Mosiah 2:17

Enjoy the journey!!!