Sunday, March 10, 2013


We had a very fun-filled February.

Fed the Missionaries,
Had a Super Bowl Party with the Penrods,
Went to "Pump It Up,"
Celebrated Velentine's Day,
had a Family Funday at Disney on Ice,
Took Sick Days,
Celebrated Auntie Pam's 50th Birthday,
Gave Mav his 2nd Haircut,
Went to the Butterfly House
had Dinner with Shawn's manager Adam's Family
and experienced feet and feet of Snow!!!

"Pump It Up" 

I took the kids to the Bounce House in Shrewsbury on a 
Tuesday morning (the one morning we are free and get the car).

Valentine's Day!!!

This is one of many holidays that Shawn hates, but I love the excuse and reminder to do something a little extra special for the ones that I love. We didn't do much, but we had pink heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast, opened a package from Nana and Grandpa, Shawn gave Lanie and me a rose and a card, and I gave them tickets to Disney on Ice. Throughout the day, I thought of all the Valentine's that Shawn and I have spent together. Fun stuff!

Disney on Ice - TD Garden

We had a fun family day with dinner at D'Angelo's and the Disney show in Boston. Lanie was mesmerized by the performance. She hardly took her eyes off of the characters. We got to see Tangled, The Little Mermaid, Brave, and Beauty and the Beast. Although we hit Boston Friday Night traffic and missed half of the show, we still had a blast!!! 

Sick Days
Week 1: Mav's 9 month shots and ear infection treatment
Week 2: Monday to Tuesday, Mav had a fever and pukes. Wednesday to Thursday, Lanie had fever and pukes. Friday Maverick had these hives. Went back to the doctor to find out he is potentially allergic to the antibiotic for his ear infection, Amoxicillin (just like his mama).

Auntie Pam's 50th Birthday Party

Auntie Pam and Ed came 2 hours to our place the day before her 50th Birthday. We last saw them in October so it was great to see them. They were so cute and brought toys for the kids and hung out till Shawn got home from work. We made yummy Chicken Alfredo Pot Pie from scratch  for dinner, skyped with my mom, and had Kit-Kat cake. What a treat it was to have them here to celebrate!!!

2nd Haircut

This boy has got thick locks like his mama, so he needed haircut #2 shortly after his January, haircut #1.
Instead of taking him into a salon, I put toys in our deep sink, got out the buzzers, and went to town with the #8. Not bad right? He was so interested in the buzzers. He's a li'l stud!

Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory - South Deerfield, MA.

This place was awesome! We took a Saturday and drove the hour and a half to see this place. It was well worth it. There were 4,000 butterflies flying all around us, lizards, parrots, and fish. Lanie and Mav were in heaven, I was in awe, and Shawn was a bit spooked.

Lanie just watched and watched. She flipped out excitedly when the butterflies would skim her. It was so fun to watch her. She liked the lizards but pretended like they were not close up to her. There was this bench that she just laid on for most of the time for some reason. We had an absolute ball at this place. We stayed and ate lunch there then went to visit one of Shawn's Sky High customers, Evie, in Hadley, MA near Amherst (U Mass). The kids slept through the visit. They were beat! What a fun day!

Snow, snow, and more snow!!!
This is the winter wonderland that we call our backyard. What a sight!

Noreaster Storm
23 inches of snow is our Eskimo daughter's heaven on earth.

Opened our garage to the 2 feet of snow. I tried to shovel (I enjoy shoveling), but not snow like this. We had to ask our neighbors with a snow blower to come dig us out. Here is the trail they made and our mailbox buried. 

While Shawn and the neighbor unburied the driveway, the kids and I were inside baking cookies for them. Lanie had a blast doing this. She enjoys eating the dough as we go, moreover, eating the chocolate "rocks" (chocolate chips) out of the dough. Funny chica!

Church was canceled twice this month so we took the family time to play in the snow that kept us bound. Mav was not a fan at all. He likes the comforts of the great indoors, and Lanie would play outside all day in this if we let her. She bravely went sledding for the first time down the small hill in our yard. She liked it, but the climb back up the hill was quite treacherous for her.

This boy is a ham! Getting brave and strong!

Handsome Devil!!!
Church, Tux, and the Doctor for Shots.

The life of Lanie-Bug. Ladie bug love, purple blanky, carseat sleep, cuddles with daddy, sticker on the nose, dress up, bedroom TV (Snow White), Kindle ("Candle") and PB&Js, bubble baths, and bean bag. Such is the life!!!!

The thug look...daddy's way of doing his daughter's hair. Love. It.

Two Peas in a Pod!
Nothing cuter than these two playing together!

February seemed to fly by, and now I know why. We have been BIZZAY!!!!